Lack of skilled workers in logistic_MotionMiners

Lack of skilled workers in logistics

The logistics sector, an essential part of the global economy, is facing an unprecedented challenge: the lack of skilled workers.

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In a world that is constantly changing and developing, industries are faced with the challenge of keeping pace with the pace of innovation and changing market demands. The logistics sector, an essential part of the global economy, is facing an unprecedented challenge: the shortage of skilled workers. This phenomenon, which is promoted by various factors, such as demographic change, urbanization and the rapid development of new technologies, forces companies to undergo a profound transformation in order to remain competitive and ensure future growth.

In recent years, the lack of qualified workers in the logistics sector has had a significant impact. From warehousing to transportation logistics to supply chain management, the shortage of skilled workers affects every aspect of the industry. The consequences are manifold and range from slowed delivery times to increased operating costs and reduced efficiency of the entire supply chain.

In view of the challenges posed by the shortage of skilled workers in the logistics sector, German logistics is at a decisive turning point. The SCI's December 2023 Logistics Barometer predicts rising costs for 78 percent of companies and a decline in employment figures for 56 percent in 2024. These alarming figures underline the urgency of finding effective solutions. Our blog post is dedicated to the development of this complex problem and presents strategies for a sustainable future of the logistics sector.


Causes of the shortage of skilled workers in logistics

How acute the shortage of skilled workers in logistics is already today is shown by the fact that in January 2024, with 59,000 vacancies in the transport and logistics sector without vehicle management, the highest number of vacancies was reported by the Federal Employment Agency in Germany. This sheds clear light on the causes of the shortage of skilled workers. One reason for the shortage of skilled workers in logistics is the changing and physically demanding working environment. Many professionals are unwilling to work in such conditions. Long working hours, irregular shifts and the need to work often under time pressure also make the logistics sector unattractive for many potential workers. Companies must therefore pay particular attention to adapting workplace design to the requirements of employees in order to be successful in the long term. At the same time, the shortage of skilled workers in logistics is being exacerbated by competition with other sectors, which can often offer more attractive working conditions and compensation. Technological progress, which on the one hand promises increases in efficiency and productivity and, on the other hand, leads to a need for new qualifications, can be decisive for a qualification mismatch.

Effects of the shortage of skilled workers on logistics

The impact of the shortage of skilled workers on logistics can be significant and have an impact on various areas within a company. Logistics processes are often particularly affected, as they depend on efficient workers and these are often not yet optimally set up. These difficulties can have a negative impact on order processing and ultimately lead to impaired customer service, loss of orders and revenue. It is therefore crucial to develop innovative solutions to counteract the shortage of skilled workers and to optimize logistics processes.

Intralogistics challenges in particular are the focus of many companies that want to optimize their processes. As a result, manual work processes also play a decisive role, especially when it comes to picking processes. Too many manual tasks are often still being carried out, which are not only time-consuming but also lead to increased physical stress on employees. By using modern methods of analyzing processes, these bottlenecks can be identified and optimized. The use of these methods can help companies identify weaknesses in their work processes and make targeted improvements. Efficient processes can not only help to reduce the workload for existing specialists, but also show that companies can achieve higher output with a given number of employees.


Measures to address the shortage of skilled workers

In order to effectively address the shortage of skilled workers in logistics, targeted measures are required, which can be taken in addition to process optimization. A comprehensive training and continuing education strategy is essential to attract and retain qualified specialists in the long term. The study Logistics personnel development The BVL points out that targeted qualification plays a key role in future fields such as IT applications in logistics and supply chain management. Tailored educational offerings that take into account both current and future industry requirements are crucial. The use of e-learning platforms and the implementation of in-house seminars offer a flexible and efficient way to continuously train employees.

In addition to a comprehensive training and continuing education strategy, ergonomics optimization also plays an important role. By designing workplaces and processes taking ergonomic principles into account, physical stress on employees can be minimized, which not only promotes their health and well-being, but also increases their productivity. In addition, ergonomically designed work environments help to retain employees in the company in the long term, increase employer attractiveness and, in particular, reduce the absenteeism rate due to illness, which can have a positive effect on the prevailing situation.

Use of technology and digitization in logistics

“The development of digital connectivity will continue to gain massive momentum. Today, global competition is not only won in the real world, but also in the digital world. ”

- Dieter Zetsche, former Chief Executive Officer, Daimler AG

At a time when digital technologies are revolutionizing the business world, the logistics sector is playing a leading role in adapting innovative solutions to increase efficiency and overcome the shortage of skilled workers. In particular, the digitalization of the supply chain, led by the use of artificial intelligence (AI), shows how future-oriented logistics can not only optimize the use of resources, but also handle more work with existing personnel resources.

According to this DHL Trend Report AI plays a key role in planning, forecasting and managing logistics processes. This includes intelligent route planning and load formation as well as predictive inventory management, which enables more efficient use of resources such as personnel and energy. Investments in logistics software reflect this trend: 56% of the companies surveyed plan to increase their spending in this area in 2023 and 2024 in order to improve the efficiency of goods handling and optimize communication between freight forwarder and warehouse. This helps to reduce waiting times and improve processes overall.

Motion-Mining®: Anonymized movement data as the key to process optimization

After considering the role of technology and digitalization in the logistics sector, the focus is now on a specific solution that enables seamless integration and comprehensive optimization: Motion-Mining®. This technology represents a paradigm shift by using movement data to make logistics processes more efficient and ergonomic.

Accurate recording and analysis:
By using special wearables, movement data from employees and vehicles is collected anonymously. The resulting insights into actual work processes make it possible to uncover inefficiencies and initiate targeted optimization measures.

Increasing efficiency through data analysis:
The analysis of movement data leads to a significant increase in efficiency and productivity. By identifying and minimizing time losses and inefficient processes, resources can be used optimally.

Promoting ergonomics in the workplace:
In addition to increasing efficiency, Motion-Mining® also helps to identify ergonomically critical manipulations. Potential stress points are identified and can be reduced through adapted measures, which promotes the health and satisfaction of employees.

The technology thus bridges the gap between digital transformation and the physical working world in logistics by enabling data-based decisions for holistic process optimization. By implementing Motion-Mining®, companies can not only increase their operational efficiency, but also help to reduce the prevailing shortage of skilled workers by making better use of existing resources and creating more attractive working conditions. Improving efficiency enables companies to reduce the workload of their existing professionals while increasing productivity. This helps to alleviate pressure on the labor market and make the sector more attractive to potential workers.


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